The Sykes Piano Program Preliminary Grade Theory Book that goes with the Sykes Piano Program Preliminary Grade Practical Book.
Preliminary Grade Theory Book
- The Sykes Piano Program Preliminary Grade Theory Book is divided into the three Levels of Sykes Preliminary Grade, that is the A, B and C Levels. This book explains the musical concepts that students learn in these Levels along with written theory exercises for students to complete. Each Level finishes with revision and a Practice Theory Tests to prepare students for their real Theory test. At the back of the book is the Glossary of Terms; it contains all of the terms learned in Levels 1-4 as well as Preliminary Grade. A lot of the theory learned is practically applied in the Sykes Preliminary Grade Practical Book, so that when students learn about note values, for example, they also learn to perform rhythms that contain these values, or while learning the structure of the major scale, they are also learning how to play major scales on the piano.
48 pages