The Teachers

Davina Padman
Location: Lake Coogee & Mount Claremont
Phone: 0422 318 064
Email: davinapadman@gmail.com

Davina Deborah Padman
What Sykes Piano Teacher Training have you completed?
Little Maestro, Level 1-4, Grade 1 and 2. I have taught students up till grade 8, and am comfortable doing so .
What year did you start teaching piano?
What year did you start teaching the Sykes Piano Program?
What piano exams have you completed?
Grade 1-8 (Practical and Theory),
These are the Diploma’s that I have completed in Piano Performance since I was 16 year of age from the Trinity College (London) :
Associate ATCL,( AMusTCL) -(Honours)The standard of performance is equivalent to the performance component of the first year in a full-time undergraduate course at a conservatoire or other higher education establishment. (I completed this exam when I was 16 years of age)
Licentiate (LTCL, LMusTCL) The standard of performance is equivalent to the performance component on completion of a full-time undergraduate course at a conservatoire or other higher education establishment. (Completed at 18 years of age)
What theory exams have you completed?
Grade 8 and Music Degree level theory
What music qualifications have you completed?
Bachelor of Classical Piano Performances –University Sedaya International, Malaysia
Master of Teaching (Music)-Primary (University of Western Australia)
Master of Teaching (Music)-Secondary ( University of Notre Dame, Fremantle)
How old where you when you began learning piano?
5 years old
What other instruments do you play?
What are your musical achievements?
I got a scholarship to do my Music degree in piano performance at the University Sedaya International Malaysia from good grades in high school school as well as from previous music studies (Grade 8, diploma certificates).
Have you played in a particular group or involved in a particular performance that you would like to mention?
I was involved in the Operafest Children’s Choir in Malaysia for 3 years which was from 2000-2003. During this time, I got a chance to perform around the world to represent Malaysia for various choir festivals. The countries that I travelled to were Singapore, South America, Thailand and Kuala Lumpur. One of the highlights for me while I was in this choir was when I went to Argentina in 2000 for the International Choral Festival in Buenos Aires. We came in 2nd place.
I have also played with my family band for church services and various concerts since I was 9 years old. I come from a very musical family.
What are your strengths as a piano teacher?
I am very patient with children and enjoy having good relationships with all those enrolled with me. I also have a strong content knowledge in music due to many years of thorough piano study. I am creative and always enjoy finding new ways to cater to each student.
What do you like about teaching piano?
I love meeting new families, students as well as seeing the progress. I also enjoy having a great mentor, Julia Sykes who always offers fantastic advice in regards to piano teaching.
Is there anything else that you would like to add?
I was chosen to be the accompanying pianist featured in the music recordings for the Sykes Piano Teaching programme. These books are sold in music bookstores around Perth, Western Australia.
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